Let's chat
© 2025 CX Lavender
PoliciesWe believe in the power of being Smart, Brave, Kind. Both individually and as a group.
We’re obsessed with understanding. We value and prioritise insight and intelligence. That’s because we use them to bring together smart strategic, creative and technical thinking into valuable, customer-centric solutions. And we’ve proven that we’re pretty great at what we do (there, we said it!).
We stand up for the customer and for what’s right. We’ve done so for the last 25 years. We’ll always go the extra mile to get the right outcome and will never take the easy path if it isn’t the right one. We’ll seek out new challenges and perspectives. Internally, we celebrate people who are motivated to take risks and try things outside of their wheelhouse.
We always operate with respect and compassion. Towards our colleagues, clients and our competitors. We attack problems, never people. This respect permeates not just the way we treat each other, but the way speak to our customers. We never underestimate their intelligence and make sure their every experience is authentic and value-filled.
We’re always looking for passionate, collaborative and curious people to be part of our growing team. Whether you’re starting out, have a wealth of experience or just looking for freelance, we’d love to hear from you.